There's an issue with this packaging system. Whenever I try to package a RPG maker MZ game it says this
it appears to be looking for a sub-directory inside of index.html
ok, I tried out the new version and it packs the game files perfectly fine. what I'm having trouble with is the boot strapper, when i change the relevant pieces of code and compile it. it spits out this
I followed the instructions on the github and I compiled the template using
Yeah... Turns out that it's a screw-up on the Packer's side. It placed either the package.json or the index.html file being put outside of the destination folder. Gonna push another hotfix soon.
thanks, it works perfectly now. The only thing that i'm wondering about is how to make the extractor look fancy instead of just a console window, but i'll deal with that later at some point
I've encountered a new issue now.After packaging the deployed RPG maker MZ game, when the game loads, it doesn't load any of the video files in the game's archive. I have it so the title screen uses a video, and when loading the game through the boot strapper it doesn't load the video at all leaving the title screen completely blank (aside from the menu commands)
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There's an issue with this packaging system. Whenever I try to package a RPG maker MZ game it says this
it appears to be looking for a sub-directory inside of index.html
Caught what caused the bug. It's due to the packer not reading the package.json right. I have it fixed on my side and I'll push a hotfix soon.
Thank you for the feedback.
ok, I tried out the new version and it packs the game files perfectly fine. what I'm having trouble with is the boot strapper, when i change the relevant pieces of code and compile it. it spits out this

I followed the instructions on the github and I compiled the template using
dotnet publish -c Release -r win10-x64 -f net5.0-windows10.0.19041.0
Yeah... Turns out that it's a screw-up on the Packer's side. It placed either the package.json or the index.html file being put outside of the destination folder. Gonna push another hotfix soon.
Again, thanks for the feedback.
thanks, it works perfectly now. The only thing that i'm wondering about is how to make the extractor look fancy instead of just a console window, but i'll deal with that later at some point
I've encountered a new issue now.After packaging the deployed RPG maker MZ game, when the game loads, it doesn't load any of the video files in the game's archive. I have it so the title screen uses a video, and when loading the game through the boot strapper it doesn't load the video at all leaving the title screen completely blank (aside from the menu commands)
Are the video files in the destination folder? Type this in the File Explorer's navigation bar: %ProgramData\<Dev Name>\<GameName>